Thursday, October 20, 2011

Some fun from Student Teaching

I student taught this past spring (Jan-May 2011).  I LOVED it.    - I student taught for a few months in all of the following grades (in the following order): 5th, K, 1st.

I am proud of a lot of the work and accomplishments that the kiddos and I experienced together, and want to share some of it with you.

SO I will start off short and sweet (hmm... this already seems to be a recurring theme!) With some charts from the Kindergarten room. -- You can totally see my progression with these, and see that I started to get a little too into doing them.

Brainstorming the letter 'E'

Brainstorming for the letter 'W'
and YES a kindergartener actually came up with 'whistle pig' ... and just in case you're not sure (I was not sure either) A whistle pig is a ground hog... (we did this in march... I'm just sayin'.)

I love that someone knew who 'Zelda' is...

Brainstorming to get ready for our Community Helpers unit.

Ok, as I said short and sweet. 

Little Miss Cloe

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