Friday, October 21, 2011

More From Student Teaching: Kindergarten

Chart and example of my final book, constructed in the process of modeling writing from draft to publication during writing workshop unit on NF How To books.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Some fun from Student Teaching

I student taught this past spring (Jan-May 2011).  I LOVED it.    - I student taught for a few months in all of the following grades (in the following order): 5th, K, 1st.

I am proud of a lot of the work and accomplishments that the kiddos and I experienced together, and want to share some of it with you.

SO I will start off short and sweet (hmm... this already seems to be a recurring theme!) With some charts from the Kindergarten room. -- You can totally see my progression with these, and see that I started to get a little too into doing them.

Brainstorming the letter 'E'

Brainstorming for the letter 'W'
and YES a kindergartener actually came up with 'whistle pig' ... and just in case you're not sure (I was not sure either) A whistle pig is a ground hog... (we did this in march... I'm just sayin'.)

I love that someone knew who 'Zelda' is...

Brainstorming to get ready for our Community Helpers unit.

Ok, as I said short and sweet. 

Little Miss Cloe

Coming Soon

So... I started a Blog.  What does this mean for you? Well.. Nothing really, because you have no idea who I am! -- I admit it, I have been somewhat of a stalker lurker amongst the teaching blog community.  SO why show myself now?  Well, I graduated from Graduate School on August 31, with a Masters of Science in Education and I am now officially equipped with two teaching certifications (Early Childhood and Childhood Education).

While I do not have a classroom of my own (yet), I DO have a job in a school and I AM teaching!  I provide Mathematics Academic Intervention Services.  For those of you who don't know what this means,  I am that annoying person who is constantly showing up to pull-out or push-in to your classroom.  Each day I come home with a need to reflect, share, vent, brag, LEARN... etc. 

So I am putting myself out there (or here...) to the Teaching Blog community. 

I have so much more to say, but for now, I am just going to say, until next time

Little Miss Cloe